Why Lent?
Here’s one way to think about this time in the church year:
“You know how sometimes life can feel really hard? And you want to do things that make your life better, but you realize everything you’re doing is just making it harder?’
“Well, for this time of 40 days, we say we’re going to make our best effort not to make our lives harder. We’re going to pay attention and try to stay out of our own way.’”
Taking on a practice for Lent can help us pay attention to ourselves and to the impact our actions have on others. Even though Lent officially started on Ash Wednesday, it’s never too late to begin.
Signs of Life: Why Church Matters
Light, water, food, shelter, and community are essential to life. This website offers a variety of materials, along with an option to sign up for a daily reflection during Lent. We will be using these reflections at Christ the King this year.
The Daily Examen, a five-step review of the day, can be a helpful addition to daily morning prayer. You can find additional resources here, along with a downloadable prayer card.
Life Transformed – The Way of Love in Lent
The journey through Lent into Easter is a journey with Jesus. We are baptized into his life, self-giving, and death; then, we rise in hope to life transformed. You can walk this journey by using the downloadable Way of Love Lenten Calendar.
Carbon Fasting for Lent
One of the most impactful things you can do to help mitigate climate change is reduce your carbon footprint. Not only will you be living more gently on the earth, you will also save money and likely have a healthier lifestyle. Click here for resources to guide you.
Daily Meditations from Episcopal Relief and Development
These meditations help us to focus on the gifts God has given to us and the challenges people face across the world. Click here to sign up for daily emails or podcasts.
Blessed … and Blessing: A Lenten Retreat
Saturday, March 21, 9am – 1:00pm
Recognizing that we are blessed and learning to bless others is a part of living into the Way of Love. Join us as we explore these ideas through brief presentations and individual and group reflection.